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Uplaod Share And Earn Money

Uplaod Share And Earn Money

Upload FIles

Upload your files by browsing from hard-drive or providing link and use the Remote Upload option


Earn Money from Your Shared Files! For every sale, you’ll receive a 75% commission on each purchase.

Earn Money

Earn money by sharing your files with forums, blog/website. For each sale, you will get a 75% commission from them.

Why Choose Fileaxa?

High Payouts on Every Sale and Rebill

With our Pay-Per-Sale (PPS) model, we offer high payouts on every sale and rebill. You'll earn 75% on each new sale from your uploads, and 70% on rebills—meaning you continue to earn whenever users renew their subscriptions!


Q: How To Activate Affiliate Account?

A: Create an account, which should take no more than 2 minutes. After signing up, upload some files and share them on your website or forums. When users download your files, your account will be automatically activated in the Affiliate Program.

Q: How can I upload files?

A: You can upload files by:

  • Browsing files from your hard drive
  • Providing a link and using the Remote Upload option
  • Using an FTP client application

To earn money you just need to follow these simple rules:

  • Minimum payout amount is just $20.
  • Payment Supported USDT, BTC, LTC, PerfectMoney, Webmoney And Bank Transfer
  • Rewards are not counted if advertising is being blocked.
  • Traffic from third party apps will not count.
  • There are no rewards for automated downloads.